Are My Children Saved?


Both my children were born again at the age of 9 and were water baptized in a lake while attending our church camp. Today, as adults, neither attend church, or study the Bible – they aren’t “practicing” Christians. Were they old enough to truly understand and be born again? At the time, I believed they were. Are they going in the rapture?


If your children were truly born again, then no one can snatch them out of the Lord’s hands (John 10:27-30) and they’ll go in the rapture. There’s no way for me to know whether they are or not. But you should know that churches have a terrible record where keeping young believers is concerned. Less than 1 out of 3 church going children continue to attend as adults, even among families who are born again. Your best bet is to assume they were sincere in asking the Lord into their lives and avoid criticizing them for not going to church. Keep showing them the love of the Lord through your actions, and pray for Him to bring them back. And remember, He promised not to lose even one of those who are His (John 6:38-40) .